So, I'm coloring the whole book(Infected).
That's good and bad, but mostly good. Good, because I'm vaguely competent, learning quickly, and set an absurdly high bar for myself, so the art's looking pretty awesome, singular vision and all that. Bad because I'm crazy slow at it. Getting faster, but still nowhere near where I need to be were I to color for a living(which I don't!).
Issue one had over 200 panels of art, probably 2 hours to color each panel. Extend that out four more issues, throw in pencils and inks, layouts and scripts. Turns into a pretty big job right away. Epic, in fact, when you consider I still work a day job to keep the mortgage paid!
So, it's the beginning of October, I've committed to wrapping this whole thing up around mid-December.
As I understand it, the publisher will resolicit the other four issues when the whole thing is in their hands. Following that, the collected graphic novel with an extra ten or twelve pages. I'm planning on some minor color revision for a few pages that appeared in #1 as well for the GN release, time allowing.
So, no new projects for awhile, but I'm still here, slugging it out.